3 Approved - 2 Denied - 1 Pending

March, 19 2024



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The Teton County Board of County Commissioners meeting last Monday, March 11th,  proved to be another long day - with an agenda full of public hearings. The first three hearings on the agenda were approved without requiring hours of deliberation; Irish Acres, J&G Peacock, and Skyline View. Commissioners shared their gratitude with these applicants who considered prior requests from the Commissioners and incorporated them into complete and well executed applications. Then came the next 3 hearings which

Public Hearings on 3/11/24

had Commissioners listening to community comments and deliberating late into the night - into the following morning - and continuing with a decision expected at the upcoming March 25th meeting. If you would like to listen to the hours of discussion - audio from the meeting is HERE.

Irish Acres - Approved

10 Lots/40 Acres

• Was continued from 1/8/24 to obtain additional information from the applicant regarding a response to the NP evaluation review, and to configure building envelopes to have minimal wetland disturbance.

• Commissioners felt it is was a thoughtful development -  appreciated no ADU'S - the moving of building envelopes to better fit the landscape - and the complete studies.

• Conditions of approval included: financial surety, access permits, building envelopes on final plat, and addressing all of Public Works comments.

J&G Peacock - Approved

5 Lots/20 Acres

• Commissioners appreciated references in the CCR's regarding wildlife and habitat and the layout of the building envelopes.

• Conditions of approval included: updated final plat, file an Avigation Easement Agreement with the City of Driggs, and add septic tank maintenance/ conformance.

Skyline View - Approved

7 Lots/144 Acres

• Was continued from 1/8/24 to request an updated wildlife habitat assessment that had recommendations for building envelopes to mitigate impacts and provisions for maintaining some land in agriculture.

• Commissioners appreciated the responsiveness of the applicant to revised the building envelopes, the extra effort for maintaining some agricultural heritage, and space for wildlife.

• Conditions of approval included: financial surety, access permits, addressing Public Works comments, and obtain an IDWR permit for Mahogany Creek crossing.

Wendorff SUP - Denied

• Does not meet criteria found in TCLDC

   4-8  special uses

   3-2  use table

   3-6  special use standards

• Access issues with 10000 South as it is not maintained by the County

Trestles Subdivision - Denied

• After countless meetings and conversations between the County, the developer, planning staff, the NP study consultant, and various other agencies where recommendations were made... none of them seem to make it into this developers application.

• Motion for Denial Included: a distinct lack of attention with the Comprehensive Plan, the lots did not meet zoning requirements & remained uncorrected by developer, open space was inadequate for the scale of project, an analysis of potential contamination of groundwater & downstream surface water had not been completed per code and the applicant has not expressed willingness to provide the requisite wastewater analysis. We could go on.. or listen HERE (the denial motion begins around 1:10:00).

Wildflower PUD - PENDING

Continued to 3/25 for Legal Review

• Does not meet the criteria or intent in either the Rural Reserve PUD or the Comprehensive Plan.

• While the Comprehensive Plan does not control the zoning, the PUD is discretionary - if the proposal meets density and open space requirements - "maximum density does not equal entitlements."

• Legal review requested.

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Niki Richards, Executive Director
(208) 354-1707
85 Depot St. Suite 2
PO Box 1164
Driggs, ID 83422



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